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Holiday Sheet Music

Jewish Holiday
Music Collections

Scroll this page, or review contents quickly by clicking on titles:
The Jewish Fake Book
International Jewish Songbook - Book with CD
The Compleat Klezmer - Book with Cassette
The Jewish Play-Along Vol. 1 Book with CD
Mazel Tov! Music for a Jewish Wedding and More!
Klezmer Wedding Band Folio - 5-piece Band
Harvest of Jewish Song
Israel in Song
Jewish Holidays in Song

The Jewish Fake Book
Melody Line / Lyrics / Chords
by Velvel Pasternak
a brivele der mamen
a wicked wicked man
achtsid er zibetzid zi
adir hu
adir hu II
adon olam
adon olam II
adon olam III ai di di di dai al hanisim al kapav yavi
al kol ele
al tira avdi ya'akov
alef bet
am yisrael chai
amen shem nora
an emese eshes chayil
ani ma'amin
artsa alinu
asher bara
ates zetim omdim
avadim hayinu
avinu malkenu
az yashir moshe
bai mir bistu dhen
baruch elokenu
bashana haba'a
broygez tantz
chad gadya
chad gadyaII
chag purim
chanuka chag yafe
chorshat ha'ekaliptus
choson kale mazeltov
cuando el rey nimrod
d'ror yikra
david melech yisrael
der rebbe elimelech
der shtiler bulgar
di grine kuzine
di m'zinke oysgegebn
dodi li
donna donna
el ginat egoz
eli ata
eli lama azavtani
eli eli
eliyahu hanavi
en kelohenu
erets yisrael yafa
erev ba
erev shel shoshanim
esa enai
eshet chayil
et dodim kala
ets chayim hi
ets harimon
freylekh zain
freylekhs II
grace after meals
ha lachma
hamalach hago'el
hamilchama ha'achrona
hana'ava babanot
hanukah blessings
haro'a haktana
hava nagila
hava netse b'machol
hevenu shalom
hine ba
hine ma tov
hine ma tov II
hora agadati
hora hadera
hora mamtera
hoshi'a et amecha
i have a little dreydl
im eshkachech
jerusalem is mine
jerusalem of gold
k'var achare chatsot
kadesh urchats
kadesh urchats II
kel hahoda'ot
ketsad m'rakdin
ketsad m'rakdin II
ki eshm'ra shabat
ki tinam
kinor david
kol dodi
kol ha'olam kulo
kol nidre
l'cha dodi
l'cha dodi
l'chi lach
l'shana haba'a
l'shana tova
lach y'rushalayim
laner v'livsamim
leaving mother russia
lech lamidbar
lev tahor
light one candle
lo yisa goy
los bilbilicos
lu y'hi
m'chuteniste maine
ma avarech
ma navu
ma nishtana
ma'oz tsur
ma'oz tsur II
malach misulam
mi pi el
mi von si'ach
mi y'malel
mitzvah g'dola
mizmor l'david
moshe emet
my zedi
nigun 1
nigun 2
nigun 3
nigun 5
nigun bialik
nigun belz
non komo muestro dyo
ocho kandelikas
od lo ahavti dai
od yishama
od yishama II
oifn pripitchik
or virushalayim
ose shalom
our purimspiel
ozi v'zimrat ya
patch tantz
rad halaila
rozhinkes mit mandlen
rumania rumania
scalerica d'oro
sha sha der rebbe get
shabat hamalka
shabat shalom
shalom alechem
shalom rav
sham hare golan
shein vi di l'vone
shibolet basade
shir hama'alot
shir hama'alot II
shiro shel aba
shloimele malkele
shloymke's freylekhs
shmelki'es nigun
siman tov
sisu et y'rushalayim
ta'am haman
tapuchim udvash
tsena tsena
tzadik katamar
un az der rebbe zingt
ush'avtem mayim
utsu etsa
uva'u ha'ovdim
v'david y'fe enayim
v'hi she'amda
v'lirushalayim ircha
v'taher libenu
vay'hi bishurun melech
vayiven uziyahu
vi ahin zol ich gen
wedding march
y'did nefesh
ele chamda libi
yidishe ma-me
yism'chu hashamayim
yo m'enamori d'un aire
yom ze l'yisrael
yome yome
yossel yossel
zerner atik
zog nit kenmol
zot y'rushalayim

The International Jewish Songbook
Melody Line / Lyrics / Chords
Book with CD

by Velvel Pasternak
The most comprehensive edition of popular Jewish music sung throughout the world -- This handsome volume is an instant Jewish music library!
Includes the best of Israeli, Yidish, Sephardic and Ladino music, songs in English and For Sabbath and holidays, plus Hassidic and liturgical music. The 70-minute CD features selections from the original artists' recordings.

The Compleat Klezmer
Melody Line / Lyrics / Chords
Book with Cassette

by Henry Sapoznik
This book is the definitive anthology by the world's foremost authority on klezmer music. Features an introduction, in-depth musical analysis, 33 annotated melodies, discography, historical background, annotations, resources, bibliography and extensive instruction on klezmer technique. This is the basic klezmer repertoire every musician needs to know.

Return to Contents

The Jewish Play-Along, Vol. 1
C Instruments Book and CD
The Jewish Play-Along, Vol. 1
B-flat Instruments Book and CD
The Jewish Play-Along, Vol. 1
E-flat Instruments Book and CD
The Jewish Play-Along, Vol. 1
Bass Instruments Book and CD
Be the soloist on 15 of the most popular Jewish songs! Play the CD to hear fully orchestrated arrangements of the music, then use the music-minus-one track to play along with one of New York's top Jewish bands!
Includes: hava nagila / bashana haba'a / dayenu - david melech / jerusalem of gold / maoz tzur / oifn pripitchok / ose shalom / siman tov / tsena / tumbalalaika / un az der rebe zingt

Mazel Tov! Music for a Jewish Wedding and More!
Melody Line / Lyrics / Chords - with CD
49 of the most popular melodies for weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvah and other joyous occasions. Includes music for ceremony processionals and recessionals, bride and groom entrance, horas and klezmer medleys. The perfect Jewish wedding fake book!

Klezmer Wedding Band Folio
arranged for 5-piece band
Wedding dance tunes selected from the bestselling wedding fake book Mazel Tov. 15 horas, freilachs and traditional dances. Arranged for 5 piece band - C, B-flat and E-flat instruments, trombone and rhythm. Includes: siman tov / od yishama / am yisroel chai / kozatzke / ose shalom / and more traditional favorites. This is the only book of band arrangements of popular Jewish wedding music.

Harvest of Jewish Songs
Piano / Vocal
A collection of 73 traditional Jewish folk songs arranged for voice with full piano accompaniment by outstanding arrangers. Includes songs of Israel, and Holiday, Sabbath, Yiddish, Ladino and Hassidic repertoire. This is currently the bestselling collection of Jewish piano music. Selections include: jerusalem of gold / erev shel shoshanim / bashana haba'a / and more

Israel In Song
Melody Line / Lyrics / Chords
This internationally bestselling collection of modern Israeli folk songs including rounds and 2-part choral settings. Features 100 traditional and popular songs that capture the excitement of Israel's early days, the beauty of the countryside, and the spirit of the pioneer. This book is a must have for anyone interested in Israel. Includes texts, tranliterations, translations and annotations.

Jewish Holidays In Song
Melody Line / Lyrics / Chords
edited by Velvel Pasternak
More than 100 popular songs for all Jewish holidays of the year. This is the basic repertoire, with everything needed for Sabbath and meals. Includes songs for Hanukah, Passover, Sabbath, High Holidays, Sukot, Simchat Torah, Shavu'ot, Purim and more!

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