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This fabulous collection for women theatre singers includes piano/vocal arrangements in appropriately low belting keys of 32 songs to keep audiences laughing: A Guy What Takes His Time - Adelaide's Lament - Ain't There Anyone Here For Love? - Always A Bridesmaid - Always True To You In My Fashion - Arthur Murray Taught Me Dancing In A Hurry - Bewitched - Butter - Chain Store Daisy - Dance: Ten; Looks: Three - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend - Doin' What Comes Natur'lly - Don't Call Me Trailer Trash - Good Thing He Can't Read My Mind - Happy To Keep His Dinner Warm - Heads Or Tails - I Cain't Say No - It Ain't Etiquette - Last One Picked - Miss Marmelstein - Nobody Makes A Pass At Me - Nothing - On The S.S. Bernard Cohn - Paris Makes Me Horny - Satin And Silk - Shy - Stepsisters' Lament - Take Back Your Mink - That Dirty Old Man - The Hostess With The Mostes' On The Ball - Why Do The Wrong People Travel? - You Can't Get A Man With A Gun Click Here for Complete Listing and Order Link